Go for Gold with an Olympic Themed Party

Don't wait 4 years to celebrate with these Olympic party ideas.

Niamh O'Higgins


Want to celebrate your favorite athletes' wins? Can’t wait four years for the next round of Olympic games? We’ve got you. An Olympic themed party isn’t just for the athletic ones; anyone who appreciates sports or a good party theme can have just as much fun. 

With the Summer Olympics in Paris right around the corner, an Olympic party will be the perfect theme for a birthday party, summer get together, or of course, an opening ceremonies viewing night. We’ve got everything you need to host an Olympics themed party here on The Bash.

Sporty Outfits

Let your pals sport their finest ‘fits in style, embracing the sporty theme however they please. There are 33 different sports in the summer Olympics, so why not give your pals free rein and let them pick their favorite? Groups of footballers, gymnasts, ice skaters, and swimmers are sure to make for an entertaining crowd. 

Teaming with Fun

With 206 countries competing in the games, your guests are sure to find a flag with a color scheme they love. If not, you can assign each one a team with their invite. When they arrive wearing their assigned country’s colors of the Olympics, they’ll be able to find their teammates for the evening with ease.

Live Entertainment

Fire Dancers - Olympic Party EntertainmentPhoto: Deborah Kolb/shutterstock.com

Your venue’s decorated and your guests have arrived; now what? Don’t leave your pals waiting on the sidelines; hit the ground running with some of these top-of-the-podium event vendors. 

Fire Dancer

You may choose not to play with fire, but there are professionals who know just how to use it to put on a show. Ignite your party just like any Olympic celebrationwith a fire show. A fire breather or dancer would be perfect for this task and can set the tone for a night of excitement ahead. For obvious reasons, this one’s best suited to outdoor venues, and you might want to tell the kids not to try this at home!

Find a Fire Dancer


Choose your party music wisely, and your soirée is sure to be a success. Better yet, leave the selection to the pros and hire a DJ to entertain throughout the festivities. Your guests may not break a sweat like they would on the football field, but they sure will on the dance floor. 

We have no doubt you’ll see some moves that would put a gymnastics floor routine in second place! Let your DJ know the party theme in advance, too, and they might have some fun ideas for a fitting playlist.

Find a DJ

Face Painting

If there are going to be kids at the party, then a face painter is always a good choice. The glitter and sparkles of some of your favorite Olympic costumes can make for great inspiration for a face paint look. Perfect for the grown-ups, too; even those who don’t want to go all-out can opt for a simple flag or design that represents their country or sport for the evening.

Find a Face Painter

Awe-Inspiring Acts

Simone Biles may not make the guestlist for your Olympics party, but that doesn’t mean your guests can’t marvel at the artistry involved in her sport. Contortionists can move their bodies in equally astounding ways and are sure to leave your loved ones in awe. Like rhythmic gymnasts, these flexible experts have a talent that wows on stages and in circuses around the world. Now’s your chance to make your party their next unforgettable performance.

Olympic Party Decorations

Gold Party Decor - Olympic Themed PartyPhoto: Igisheva Maria/shutterstock.com

Mega Metallics 

Your party guests will undoubtedly have their sights set on gold, silver, and bronze, so why not use them for party decorations, too? The dazzling tones can be easily incorporated throughout your space, from tableware and cutlery to hanging decorations and an awards area. And let’s be honest, it wouldn't be the Olympics without a trophy table that glistens in the sunlight.

Olympic Rings

Those five rings are symbolic of the sporting event, and can also easily be included in the party. Think pool floaties, bunting, balloons, or even a ring-toss game, using those vibrant colors to help brighten up your party.

Olympic Party Food Ideas

Donuts - Olympic Party FoodPhoto: Pairach Ch/shutterstock.com

Your guests are bound to work up an appetite with the activities you have planned. But mealtime doesn’t mean you have to pause the summer vibes. With some thoughtful planning, you can incorporate your party theme into your menu.


Nothing screams summer Olympics party more than a BBQ, and you can have mains, sides, and bites to suit a plethora of palates and dietary needs. If cooking isn’t quite your cup of tea, consider making your party a potluck where each of your guests brings an assigned dish to the table. Theme it up even more and allocate country-inspired cuisine. This way, you can celebrate the greatest athletes in the world with the food that fuels them at home.

Ring in the Festivities

Onion rings? Donuts? Pretzel rings? There is an array of party snacks that come in ring form already, and it won’t take much work to connect them into a medal-worthy meal that reflects the Olympic rings. 

If your favorite food doesn’t come in rings, arrange it that way yourself. For example, hoops of color-coordinated fruit or candies on a platter make for aesthetic snacking.

Olympic Themed Drink Ideas

Energizing Juice

There’s no doubt that Olympic athletes take their health pretty seriously, and you can take a page out of their food plan with a healthy juice to fuel you through the celebrations. Don’t worry; they taste better than they look (usually,) and are filled with the nutrients you’ll need to beat everyone to the finish line. Have a look online for a recipe, do some shopping in the produce section, and get juicing up a storm.

Ginger Smash

I think we’ve all seen sports pros on social media downing health-boosting ginger shots, but surely there’s a way to make them a little more fun? Those who want to spice up the menu with an adult addition might just love a Ginger Smash. The cocktail combines fresh ginger and pineapple, lime juice, rum, and apple and maraschino liqueurs, shaken with the strength of a true athlete, and served with a pineapple leaf garnish.

Olympic Party Games & Activities

Olympic party games and activities

While watching the experts do their thing is fun, there’s nothing better than getting involved yourself. Don’t worry, you don’t have to excel on the track or the pitch to be part of the festivities. 

Field Day Favorites

Your school days may be behind you, but you can still embrace the fun of a field day. Tug-of-war, egg-and-spoon, and three-legged races have always been a hitand for good reason. 

They’re easy to organize and use equipment you probably already have lying around at home, so gather your things and get ready, get set, go! While the same kids always seemed to win these things year in and year out in school, you have the power to turn things around now.

For a fun twist, flip the results and let the losers be the winners so that they can finally have their moment on the podium.

Trampoline Park Outing

From high jump and pole vault to back flips and tucks, your pals might fare better with a little gravity-defying help. Head to a trampoline park to practice your tricks and really feel the burn. It won’t take long to realize that the skills we see on-screen often aren’t as easy as they look, but with some extra effort, we’re sure you’ll be tumbling like a pro in no time. When everyone’s tired out, return home and get ready for a feast!

Mini Golf

For another party excursion, gather your crew and head to your favorite mini or crazy golf location. This activity takes a lot less time than your average 18-hole golf tournament and gives the novices a chance to hone their skills too. Hey, even Rory McIlroy had to start somewhere! You can play this as a team sport by pairing up in groups and combining your talents to get a top, or in this case, low, score.

Medal Ceremony

No Olympics-themed party would be complete without a medal ceremony. Your victors can stand proud as they get their moment in the spotlight, and can snap winning photos to share on social media. 

If the budget is a bit too stretched for real medals, you can even bake some at home. Whip up some simple sugar cookies and glace icing, then brush them with gold, silver, and bronze luster dust for a dazzling finish to the day. No one will be disappointed in a sugar cookie gold medal.

A Unique Venue

Beach for an Olympic Themed PartyPhoto: G-Stock Studio/shutterstock.com

You probably don’t have a four-year heads-up to start building your dream stadium, but with a few weeks of warning, you can find the perfect venue for your event. Whether you want to embrace the summer sunshine or take shelter inside like the winter olympics, you can easily turn any space into an arena of adventure.


What better place to run, jump, eat, and drink, than in a park? This is a perfect spot for all ages, with plenty of wide open space for trestle tables, picnic mats, and whatever else you need for your day. And hey, if you take a tumble in a 100-meter sprint, at least the grass will break your fall!


What screams summer olympics more than the beach? Just like the park, a seaside spot is age-friendly and fitting for a casual get-together. With this, you can test out your rowing, surfing, and sailing on the open water. 

A lake works just as well, and offers smoother waters for activities like canoeing. Bring your volleyball net and ball, team up, and let the games begin!

Country Club

Golf has recently returned to the Olympic program, so now’s a fabulous time to add it to your summer Olympics party. A country club setting sets an elegant tone for your soirée and gives everyone a chance to take a swing at the low-impact sport. 

Find a club with a tennis court as well, and your guests’ heads will be bobbing all evening. Choosing a venue like this, you can also conveniently hand the task of catering over to the in-house team.


From the high dive to the waterslide, a pool party is always a favorite among friends. Why not coordinate dance moves with your besties? Then you can entertain your audience with some semi-synchronized swimming, too. 

Think bigger and make a waterpark reservation to have some fun while you snooze along the lazy river, speed down the slides, or get your laps in.

Find more ideas and inspiration for your next event here on The Bash.

Published on 6/25/2024